We introduce quality cattle bulls to crossbreed them with the local spieces. We set aside a breeding grass field with the high breed bull.
LEARN MOREWe encourage planting of grass and trees around Lake Baringo to restore the destroyed water catchment areas.
LEARN MOREWe train and help the local people community on how to plant and manage grass in their private fields which will in turn earn them income hence live a sustainable life.
LEARN MOREWe are a charitable Foundation working with the local people in the lowlands of Lake Baringo, Marigat Sub County and Baringo County. The place is a semi-arid and arid land which is faced with a number of natural challenges of drought and soil erosion during rains. At the moment the place is facing flooding caused by rivers and the lake.
Therefore let’s incorporate
1. Crossbreeding of livestock to increase productivity of milk and market prices for the community income.
2. Planting of grass for sale of hay and grass seeds.
Planting of trees and sale of firewood.
3. Encourage the formation of women groups for effective training on income generating activities.
4. Employing the youth to do bush clearance in grass fields.
We provide employment opportunities to most of the unemployed youth by forming a work station with a few paid skilled employees who assist in training
Planting of grass and trees around Lake Baringo to restore the destroyed water catchment areas.
We Encourage and support the local community to form self-help groups which will help them to be self-reliant and managers of their own fields.
Livestock Fattening / Cross Breed
Grass Seeds (Kgs)
Reclamed Land (ha)
Empowered Households
We encourage and support the local community to form self-help groups which will help them to be self-reliant and managers of their own fields.
Animal feed, fodder, forage
Boundary, barrier or support
Erosion control or dune stabilization
Land reclamation
Fuels (Charcoal, Fuelwood)
Source of medicine / pharmaceutical
Building poles
Industrial and domestic woodware
Fruit and vegetable
Boundary, barrier or support
Raw material for plywood, soap, dyes, adhesives and glue;
Pharmaceutical products
Erosion control or dune stabilization
Land reclamation
We encourage and support the local community to form self-help groups which will help them to be self-reliant and managers of their own fields.